
All about Indianhead Acres and Lehigh Acres in Tallahassee





I. Name

The name of the corporation is the Indianhead/Lehigh Neighborhood Association, Inc., hereinafter called the Association.

II. Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be:

(a) preserving and enhancing the Indianhead/Lehigh neighborhood as a desirable residential community;

(b) protecting the natural beauty of the neighborhood;

(c) promoting sound planning and zoning within and surrounding the neighborhood;.

(d) providing a forum for the residents to express opinions and concerns;

(e) communicating opinions and concerns to the appropriate City and County officials.

III. Membership

Membership is optional and is open to all residents and residential property owners in the neighborhood. Membership shall be established by full payment of dues.

The Indianhead/Lehigh neighborhood shall mean that region bounded on the south by Orange Avenue; on the west by Magnolia Drive and Jim Lee Road; on the north by Lafayette Street and Old St. Augustine Road; on the east by Blair Stone Road but excluding those residences accessed via Blair Stone Road.

IV. Dues

Annual dues shall be $5.00 per household for those residents who have lived within the boundaries of the Association for 20 years or more and $10.00 per household for those residents who have lived within the boundaries of the Association for fewer than 20 years. Dues are payable in January and are in effect through the following December.

V. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of between three and fifteen directors, elected by the general membership. Voting shall be by in-person attendance at the annual membership meeting or by any method the Board deems appropriate.

Any member of the Association wishing to serve as a director may nominate themselves or be nominated by a current member of the Board.

Directors shall serve terms of two years, with the option of serving multiple terms. Vacancies among directors shall be filled at the next general membership meeting. If, at any point, only two or fewer directors remain, the only business the Board may conduct will be actions needed to fill the minimum number of seats.

VI. Officers

Officers of the Association shall be Secretary, Treasurer and either Co-Presidents or President and Vice-President. All officers shall be appointed by the Board, from the Board of Directors.

Officers continue to serve as directors for the duration of their term. Officers shall serve terms of two years with the option of serving multiple terms as approved by the Board. Vacancies will be filled by the Board as needed.

VII. Committees

The Board of Directors may create committees as deemed necessary to promote the purposes and carry on the work of the Association. Chairpersons of the committees shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

VIII. Meetings

Meetings of the Board of Directors will be scheduled quarterly to review issues affecting the Association. The Association will hold at least one general membership meeting a year. Other board and general membership meetings may be scheduled on an as-needed basis throughout the year. Meetings may be called by any board member. Meetings may be in any format agreed on by the Board.

IX. Quorum

More than half of the Board members must be present to conduct official business at any meeting of the Board of Directors. Decisions at these meetings will be decided by a simple majority of the directors present.

Decisions at the general Association meetings will be decided by a simple majority of those voting.

X. Voting

Association members in good standing (established by payment of annual dues) may vote at Association meetings. Voting shall be by in-person attendance at the annual membership meeting or by any method the Board deems appropriate.

XI. Amendments

The Bylaws of the Association may be amended at any Board of Directors meeting provided that notification has been given at the previous meeting or in writing at least 30 days in advance. The amendments shall be ratified by the general membership or by any method the Board deems appropriate. A rule of procedure or bylaw may be suspended or waived at any meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of directors present.

Adopted March 22, 1981

Revised April 15, 1984

Revised October 23, 2007

Revisions accepted by Board October 11, 2020